Web utilities

Some utility functions are provided for common web requests. Most use the GitHub API to query information or download artifacts and assets. See this project’s test cases (in particular test_download.py) for detailed usage examples.

Note: to avoid GitHub API rate limits when using these functions, it is recommended to set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. If this variable is set, the token will be borne on requests sent to the API.


The following functions ask the GitHub API for information about a repository. The singular functions generally return a dictionary, while the plural functions return a list of dictionaries, with dictionary contents parsed directly from the API response’s JSON. The first parameter of each function is repo, a string whose format must be owner/name, as appearing in GitHub URLs.

For instance, to retrieve information about the latest executables release, then manually inspect available assets:

from modflow_devtools.download import get_release

release = get_release("MODFLOW-USGS/executables")
assets = release["assets"]
print([asset["name"] for asset in assets])

This yields ['code.json', 'linux.zip', 'mac.zip', 'win64.zip'].

Equivalently, using the get_release_assets() function to list the latest release assets directly:

from modflow_devtools.download import get_release_assets

assets = get_release_assets("MODFLOW-USGS/executables")
print([asset["name"] for asset in assets])

The simple parameter, defaulting to False, can be toggled to return a simple dictionary mapping asset names to download URLs:

from pprint import pprint

assets = get_release_assets("MODFLOW-USGS/executables", simple=True)

This prints:

{'code.json': 'https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/executables/releases/download/12.0/code.json',
 'linux.zip': 'https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/executables/releases/download/12.0/linux.zip',
 'mac.zip': 'https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/executables/releases/download/12.0/mac.zip',
 'win64.zip': 'https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/executables/releases/download/12.0/win64.zip'}


The download_artifact function downloads and unzips the GitHub Actions artifact with the given ID to the given path, optionally deleting the zipfile afterwards. The repo format is owner/name, as in GitHub URLs. For instance:

from modflow_devtools.download import list_artifacts, download_artifact

repo = "MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6"
artifacts = list_artifacts(repo, max_pages=1, verbose=True)
artifact = next(iter(artifacts), None)
if artifact:

The download_and_unzip function is a more generic alternative for downloading and unzipping files from arbitrary URLs.

For instance, to download a MODFLOW 6.4.1 Linux distribution and delete the zipfile after extracting:

from modflow_devtools.download import download_and_unzip

url = f"https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6/releases/download/6.4.1/mf6.4.1_linux.zip"
download_and_unzip(url, "~/Downloads", delete_zip=True, verbose=True)

The function’s return value is the Path the archive was extracted to.